The Delivery
I was in the operating room.. The Dr. Had alreadly told us what to expect... blah blah blah.... Like you can be prepared to have 25 week twins. First came Hallie Brooke.... A whopping 1lbs 9 oz, 13 inches long.... Then 3 mins later Heath Tucker.... 1lb 10oz, also 13 inches. When Hallie came out , I heard nothing... when Heath was pulled out he began to cry....and then so did I. I wasnt expecting to hear anything. Justin took pictures and went and checked on them. They wheeled them by me on their way to the NICU.... I couldnt see anything but blankets. I then went to recovery.... After 3 doses of pain meds , i finally feel a sleep. The dr. came in and talked to us and told us they looked good, considering. They took us up there, I was so drugged the only thing I remember is them hitting my bed on everything. Its sad, but I dont even remember seeing the babies that time. It was the next morning before I remember going in there. I could not believe my eyes. They were SO tiny. I could not imagine how something so tiny , could survive. At one point we put Justins wedding ring on Heaths arm and it was very loose. Picture's dont do a thing, if you havent seen a 1lb baby then you cant even imagine. I was released from the hospital a few days later, but visited every day after. The first big test was the brain scan....ALL CLEAR! It was about a week after that they discoved Heath had a heart problem, and not the normal preemie heart problems.... a major one...for a 1lb baby. They transfered him to Childrens and did a surgery (ill brag..he is the smallest baby they ever successfully did this on!)... He then went back to Baylor to be with his sister. She too , had a PDA surgery... simple thing the dr does several time a day... no biggy! ( i can say that now!) ....weeks went by.... The next big move was SOUTH HALL... we moved up to regular cribs... then there was the eye surgeries.... both had... They were starting to take a bottle... Hallie did great... Heath couldnt get the whole...suck, swallow, breath ..thing down.... He could suck/swallow... he would just turn blue.... big problem... Hallie came home on April 17th!! weighing 5lbs even.... Heath a few weeks later on May 5th..6lbs 5oz.... both on oxygen, apnea monitors..and pulse ox as needed ( we just happen to think we needed it all the time....) Time goes by....
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