Thursday, October 13, 2005

Hallie Brooke

Then June rolled around..... Hallie decided "its summer.... I'm going to be lazy"...So she stops eating! Yes, STOPS.... We tried an NG tube to help her gain weight...And we were hoping that she would remember how to eat... Not happening! In July we decided, along with the Dr's, that a G button was our best bet. She had gone all summer not gaining much weight at all. If I remember correctly... She gained about a lb all summer long. Surgery went well...And now that is how she eats..She takes about 15-40 cc's by mouth, per feed. She weighs 9lbs 11oz now...And is 23 inches long... She has had 6 surgeries...4 being her eyes. She wears a contact in one eye.... Yes, they make baby contacts. One person in the U.S. does! She is very laid back...She laughs if you even pretend to tickle her. She is behind in development, the dr actually said yday that she needs "extensive therapy" on her legs. We're working on it. She's my little angel...


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