Sick, again!
Heath and Hallie are both sick! Yuk, its bad enough having one crying baby because they don't feel good, but having two is a killer. We are taking them to the Dr today, and hopefully they can give us some magic potion to get them all better. I still do not have pictures developed of Hallie in her glasses, but I would like to report that she is doing better with sitting up, maybe she will be sitting before her first birthday. The twins are going to be ONE in less then a month. Heath is learning to crawl, he still doesn't have it down great, but he crawls in his own little way. We will have an update on weight today too..... Hmmm, im going to guess 11lbs 4oz and 16lbs 2 oz, I could be WAY off! Ill let you know more tomorrow!
Hey, I hope they get better soon! Think of the positive! You could have THREE sick! That would really be heck! I haven't talked to you in forever! I was wondering if maybe this week sometime you could fit me in to bring the babies and you and justin yalls christmas presents!I get out of school at 1:30 on Tuesday and 12:50 on Wednesday. I know yall have a lot of places to go for christmas so i didn't know if yall were busy but if you are going to be home so I could bring the gifts buy that would be great! Don't worry I haven't been sick in a LoNg time! I wouldn't stay long if you didn't want me to. I'll remember to keep the babies and yall in my prayers.
I LoVe YoU!
LuV, MaGeN
P.S.-- HaPpY -(EaRlY)- TwO ((*2*)) YeAr AnV. GoOd LuCk To YoU & JuStIn!!!
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