And the hits just keep on coming! Today we took Heath and Hallie to the Retina Foundation for further research on their eyes. All test were ran with their eye glasses on. Heath (with glasses on) had normal vision for his adjusted age. Now for the HIT of the year... Hallie with glasses ON, is legally blind in her left eye, the one which she has had 4 surgeries on. We realized her eye was really bad but we thought that the glasses corrected it, or at least made it a lot better. The news was very shocking and depressing. Hallie has been through so much and we pray that in the future there will be surgeries that can correct her vision, at least where she can see with corrective lenses. Maybe it was that I was in denial about how bad her eye was. They told us if we didn't start making her wear her glasses more and start patching her good eye then she will lose ALL vision in her bad eye. All of you who have babies in glasses know its almost impossible to make them wear the glasses for any amount of time. I would like to say Hallie wore hers for 3 hours in a row today! Maybe she understood the bad news, too. I think being a mom of a preemie has definitely helped me see the good in things, we have all had so many close calls with our children's health. I think it has helped me tremendously get over the little hurdles that we have been faced with. I am very thankful that Hallie can see out of her other eye, and has normal vision in it. As long as she has vision at all , I should be thankful, right. I know things could be so much worse and we are lucky to have the babies as healthy as they are. It just breaks my heart to look at her and think that she doesn't have everything she deserves in life. During times like this , and many other times that we have been faced with, I have to try and take the advice that I have given to so many... I know God wouldn't have given me these babies to love and take care of if he didn't think I could handle it. I feel so lucky to be the mom to 3 beautiful children. The hardest thing about being a mom is the feeling of hopelessness when there is something your child needs so bad, and you can get it for them.
Heath's cardiologist appointment is Monday, wish us better luck on this one!
I am so sorry Hallie had such bad news about her eye. Its such a devastating blow I am sure. I hope that in time you will be comforted and be able to accept it. My son Austin has compications from ROP resulting in no peripheral vision and severe myopia. His eyesight is rapidly deteriorating and there is nothing I can do about it. I know that helplessness for sure. God bless you all. I check in often for updates :)
So sorry to hear the news about Hallie's eye. I certainly understand that constant worry and sadness that you feel a lot of the time, but especially when trying to deal with bad news.
I am always amazed at how well children are able to adapt to their circumstances. Even children who are totally blind have an incredible way of learning to navigate their world. Hallie's loss of vision is only in one eye, so I know that she will adapt too. She won't know any different.
Unfortunately I know that doesn't always make it easier. All we can really do is try to get through one day at a time.
Thinking of you,
It breaks my heart that our sweet little Hallie is having vision problems. Hallie has overcome so much in her short life and we know this is just another hurdle she will have to jump. She is so vibrant and determined and I know that God will continue to bless her.
Mom, keep up the positive attitude. You are right. God gave you those 3 precious children and He will see you through each and every obstacle. Treasure the moments each and every day.
We love you all.
I am so sorry for you news about Hallie's eye. I remember the day they told us about Colt's brain malformation. I will keep you in my prayers. They are blessed to have you as a mommy.
And I forgot to tell you that Melissa's c-section is scheduled for Aug 14.
I'm sorry to hear the news. You have incredible strength. I know at times it might not feel that way but your positive outlook and attitude is incredible!
Sending PP&T's your way.
I understand how hard that must have been to hear, poor Hallie! My heart goes out to you for I know glasses are such a PAIN to keep on the little ones. I know you are doing your best to keep them on her, and as much as you may feel it, do not be too hard on yourself about her not wearing them ever minute of every waking day. She is still a baby and babies do what they want in the end...
PS- Where is this Retina Foundation? I would be curious to know what Collin's vision is really like.
Oh Billie, I know we chatted earlier today, I just wanted to say again how sorry I am to hear the news.....And I'm crossing my fingers for Heath's cardio appointment...are they feeling better from being sick?
I am sorry for Hallie- BUT- I do know how she feels- I had what sounds to be the same thing when I was born and I am an adult living a completely normal life with one legally blind eye. I use it only for peripheral (sp?) vision. I have had 4 surgeries in my life- at ages- 1, 4, 12 and 28 to correct the stibisms (sp?)- Dr. Lefler even did the last surgery. 10 years ago. I wasn't a premie- I think I was squished in the birth canal. :( But who knows- that was back in elder times. I do wear glasses- cute ones- can't do contacts because I have prism in my glasses to keep them straight. It is not as bad as it sounds at first- Keep the patch on to strengthen as much as you can. My older brother tells his favorite story of when I was little he use to hold me in his lap and cover my good eye to watch TV to strengthen my eye because I hated the patch. Hang in there!!! It is a GREAT thing her other eye is strong- protect it! Praying for ya'll!
I'm sorry you got bad news at the eye doctor's. You are doing an amazing job with your babies (and your big boy!) and I am in awe of how positive you always seem to be, even in the face of adversity. Women--moms--like you are what we should all aspire to be.
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