A day in the life of the Lovvorn family.... Our lives are CRAZY! This top picture is Justin trying to watch T.V., there is no more watching a show in the peace and quiet... You will be lucky if you only have 2 kids crawling and sitting on you.I looked over and seen all the kids on him, and I couldnt resist to grab the camera. It shows what a typical night is like for us... Chasing kids, getting them out of troubled spots, making sure they dont break each others glasses, or each other, for that matter! Last night I had to take Heath off of Hallie, he was sitting on her face! There is always babies everywhere, if one baby isnt pulling his/her glasses off, the other one will do it for them! Ill be going to Austin tomorrow, until late sat night. That is by far the longest i have been away from the twins, even when they were in the NICU, I still visited everyday. I am very excited about getting a full night sleep but, I am going to miss all 3 of the kids so badly. I must admit I am in need of a little vacation. I am going down there to watch the state basketball tournament and to relax! Justin's birthday is also tomorrow ( i know.. happy birthday, im leaving you with all 3 kids for 4 days!!) He will be 26! Happy Birthday Sweetheart!