R.I.P Daddy/Papa
Well, i know its been a while and I still dont have new pics of the kids downloaded on my new computer but...Here is the latest on them..
I'm pretty sure I have lost about all of my viewers to the blog, since it has been 3 months since I have last posted. Anyhow, the twins have been doing great. We have been hospital free since March. We are getting more and more teeth, throwing more and more tantrums, and talking more and more. Besides that, it has been a pretty eventless 3 months. Harley played soccer for the first time. It was fun watching him, but he already knows that the goalie doesnt have to run, so that is what he always wanted to be! That is MY son!! Heath and Hallie have realized that thunder "scare me" and that they LOVE the outdoors. Heath pretty much acts like we are beating him every time we put him in the car... Hallie tackles Heath on command, and Heath can NOT get her off of him...he screams bloody murder!!!, Hallie will take out her "hair bow" EVERY time she gets in the car...she now asks for her glasses..We found out 2 weeks ago that Heath has to wear glasses again... they should be in any day now... but he asks to wear Hallie's all the time, so I'm crossing my fingers that he will keep them on..., and Justin has already started Heath on pitching lessons since he is a lefty!! (To a baseball coach, left handed pitchers are gold...Poor Heath!)
Heath is still sick...or shall i say sick again! Another double ear infection... more fever. Hallie is teething, so we have a fussy one there too... I wonder what its like to have healthy kids!!??
I am VERY pissed right now. I just spent the last 45 minutes writing this big story on our last month. Including Hospital stays and Birthday #2! Here is a very short version… I do mean VERY.
*Heath was in the hospital for 5 days at the beginning of Jan for RSV and Pneumonia.
*Hallie went to the Dr. when Heath got home from the hospital and has Pneumonia too.
*We are 2 weeks post hospital stay and Heath is STILL on oxygen at night.
*Heath STILL has Pneumonia, no better or worse. So we, yet again, try another antibiotic!
*Heath’s eardrum busted.
*Heath learned how to climb out of his baby bed.
*This week we see ENT, GI, Pulminologist, Pedi (Yes, we get Synagis. It just doesn’t work for us!), and we also have the yearly evaluation with ECI.
****Two very special kids turned TWO!! H & H turned two on January 18th. It really seems like it should be their first birthday. Our birthday wish was more weight, and less sickness for 2007!****
Someone at the Dr’s office asked their age difference.” Two minutes”. ”Oh, they’re twins, I couldn’t tell”. I’m sure I looked at her like she is crazy but they do weigh 17 and 24 lbs and are 5 inches apart.I guess I’m starting to look like one of those crazy moms that got pregnant right away.
We have had one CRAZY week. Short run down, Hallie was sick all week ...Monday, the dr put her on antibiotics for a double ear infection and an RSV test came back negative. Tues and Wed I stayed home from work because she was still sick. Thursday,since we had to go to Dallas for 2 other dr's appt's, we took Heath and Hallie to the dr for being sick. Little did I know how sick Miss Hallie really was. While we were at the dr they ran another RSV test, gave 2 breathing treatments, and then hooked both up to the Pulse ox machine. I will admit I thought the Dr was crazy since that is what they were on when they came home from the hospital. I thought that I would be able to tell if Hallie couldnt breathe, well I was wrong.... You want your 02 sats in the high 90's atleast! Hallie was in the mid 80's. I made the excuse that the thing wasnt on her foot right.... well it still came back the same. I thought I knew what that meant but it was one of those feelings that I was hoping I was wrong.... Yes, she needed oxygen.... and Yes, we were heading to Childrens.... by ambulance. Once we were there, it was madness. Hallie was on oxygen and the breathing treatments were making her better. Justin comes in with Heath, the dr looks at him and decides that he needs to be admitted too.... Crazy! He was released a few hours later after meds and oxygen for a while. Now is when it gets bad.... In the middle of the night the dr's come in and tell us Hallie has been doing bad and they need to work on her (at children's the turn off the monitors in the room, so parents can sleep....Im not sure I like that) They turn on her monitors and begin deep suctioning her out.... I asked how much oxygen she was on, and at first it was 1 liter..... then 1 1/4, then 1.5, then 1 3/4, then 2.....(remind everyone, she came home from the NICU on 1/32nd of a liter, so I KNEW this wasnt good). At the point she was on 2 liters I asked them what was next because she wasnt getting better and nothing was working....They said "We are going to try suctioning really deep one more time and then Its the INTENSIVE CARE UNIT" I got so sick, literally. The head RT came in and FINALLY , FINALLY... got her a little better.... I was so scared because I knew that there were no meds that could help this....(I forgot to mention, yes they were treathing her for RSV) Besides, Heath's life and death heart surgery, that was the by far the most worried I had been about the babies....Long story.... but we are home now! Prayers, once again, were answered! Merry Christmas to All!
I have so much to be thankful for this year. My family of course being the most important. I am so thankful that the twins are relatively healthy, Hallie can see out of atleast one eye, Heath has so far not had to have another heart surgery, Harley is a great big brother, my wonderful husband that takes such great care of me, that I get to wake up 3x a night to feed my baby girl....yes, I'm thankful for that! She eats, she is growing, and she is HERE....im very thankful. I will also be thankful when she is big enough to sleep all night without having to eat. But, I do remember the days of constant praying that I would do ANYTHING for her to take a bottle, and I do suppose that meant not getting more then 3 hours a sleep at a time. I thank God everyday for my family and everything He has done for us. It has been a very hard road and I must say it has all been worth it. Preemie life is a rough road to travel and I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy but it has taught me a lot and I do believe I am a better person because of it. I have learned to have patience, dont stress over the small stuff. If a surgery can fix it, we're good!
Hallie is a little fairy, notice the cute shoes I just got her!! Heath is a tiger with glasses! Even though it doesnt look like he is getting much use out of them since he is looking over the glasses to see. Harley, of course, is the Shrek! The twins are getting their rounds of RSV shots Oct- March and we just got their first bill in....The shots were over 6000 a piece for ONE month. I wasnt informed that when they weigh a certain amount they use more dosage and the $$ amount doubles. Thank God for insurance or our little two would be having to go without them. At our last appointment Hallie weight 17lbs 7oz and Heath was over 22lbs. Both have broke through a lot more teeth lately...considering that Hallie just had one... anything is a lot but she now has FIVE... Heath has 7 and almost 8... Hallie and Heath both got 4 in a weeks time!